I was sitting at work thinking about the kind offer of swapping a 'load of scrap metal' for my One pink hairclip (see previous post). My head was saying, "it's a great swap, the price of copper and scrap is going through the roof", but my heart just wasn't feeling it. My head was saying "grab it with both hands and beware any jagged edges" but my heart was saying "where's the poetry?"
Then an email containng this little fellah popped up in my inbox...
...I opened the attachment and without even realising it I had adopted the same grin as the 'ladybug'. My heart was saying "yes" while my head was still protesting about the market value of non-ferrous metals. Here's the full email from Kenley and her children, in America, in all its business-like glory:
I offer you the following irresistible trade: One wind-up, flipping ladybug for your pink hair clip.
Kenley and kids from Carlsbad, CA, America, you've got yourself a deal! I've asked them to mail the 'flipping' (should this be flapping?) ladybug to me in England first class and they'll get my One Pink Hairclip.
Right....brace yourselves for the second swap towards my trade-bigger-than-a-house. Who wants a flipping ladybug?
I love this idea. Will have to think of something to swap! Good luck with your project.