Monday, 23 January 2012

Answering your questions...

I've been sent a load of questions since launching One Pink Hairclip on Friday so rather than answering individually here are the answers to the three most commonly asked ones...

"I don't get it. You want to swap a hairclip for a house?"
Well it goes a little like this....I'm starting with one very pretty pink hairclip but I'll trade it for something 'worth' a little more – say a novelty pen, a toy car, a bell for a bicycle, a snow globe, literally whatever.
 The aim is to continue like this, increasing the value of the swaps, until the target is reached. Bear in mind that I’ll also consider trading for experiences. For instance the chance to meet a person or an opportunity to take part in an activity - all within the bounds of taste and decency of course!

"What are you going to get out of it?"
A lot! I’ll see a charity that I’ve adopted benefit and also hopefully raise awareness of what they’re trying to do – cut the number of cot deaths in half. Obviously I won’t keep any of the trades and the final swap will go to FSID.

"How can I help with what you’re doing?"
Tell your friends what I’m doing - Tweet, Facebook or even, dare I say it, use word of mouth. Also offer swaps when you’re able to.

Although I've had lots of feedback so far (all good, honest) I've yet to get a suitable trade so you could still be the first!

Happy swapping,


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