Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Our second swap!

Trade Two: 1 flipping ladybug for a 'special' t-shirt

Hot on the heels of my inaugeral swap with Kenley and her kids in Carlsbad, California, another tantalising email materialised in my inbox. This time from Richard a T-shirt maker in our very own Welsh Wales. The email subject line was this:

T-shirt swap?

I don't know about you but I love t-shirts. Every morning I hover momentarily over my t-shirt drawer unsure whether today will be a t-shirt day. Luckily I work for an employer who doesn't bat an eyelid if you pitch up for work wearing a t-shirt. In fact, my boss has been known to arrive on a Friday morning wearing a "I've got such a bad hangover" T-shirt. Respect.

And here's the nub. The best T-shirts tell you loads about the wearer and what's important to them (for instance my boss, and not shouting). They can tell you that the wearer loves a certain band, that they ran the London Marathon, that they 'heart NY' or that they're "with stoopid". Yep t-shirts are, in my humble opinion, one of the defining items of clothing of our age. But Neil in Wales better have a good one to part me from my American "flipping ladybug".

Neil wrote:

I run a t-shirt company, and would be happy to send you a t-shirt in exchange for that ladybug. I think it would look good on my desk next to the knitted monkey and Where's Wally mug.



I think I got the measure of the man from this 38-word email. He has a shared love of t-shirts, he displays a crocheted primate at his workstation, he loves kids' puzzle books and is a fan of novelty chinaware. I was now smiling cos this trade definately had the "ladybug" factor.

But what sort of shirt was he offering? He still hadn't said. My new friend Neil sent a follow-up email containing a video (yes a video) he'd taken a few seconds earlier of some of the T-shirts he sells on his website. They looked good but then he delivered the ladybug winner - "You can have any of these t-shirts or I can make you a 'special one'". A few emails later and behold the One Pink Hairclip T-shirt.
You'll notice Neil has even cunningly customised this one-off garment for the next, and third, swapper involved in my quest for a trade-bigger-than-a-house. What a star. I've never met you and may never do so but thanks Neil the T-shirt maker from Wales!

Do you have the third trade?
Could the next swapper be you?
Email me your trade now!

Thanks for your support,


ps Neil said I didn't have to plug his T-shirt firm but that would be churlish. Go to http://www.dizzyjam.com/

1 comment:

  1. Neil, I'm thrilled that your desk will be the new home to our ladybug. It does indeed flip though not flap ... you'll see once she arrives. Enjoy!

    From our house to yours,
    Finn, Zoe, Kenley & Jonathan Martin
